Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's raining on my side...

It's actually raining everywhere here today, it's washing all the dust off the leaves, and we really can use the rain.  Some areas east of me could do without it, they flooded with Irene, and now they are re-flooding with the remnants of Lee..  I wish we could send some of it to my friends in Texas.  I lived in Texas for a while.  I hated Texas, not the people, but the dirt,  the storms, the snakes, scorpions and centipedes....*shudder*  But Texans, they love being Texans and just about everything that goes with it.  Except drought and fire, and that is what vast areas of Texas are dealing with now.

I love rainy day, and snow storms, if I can indulge in them.  Rainy and snowy days call for cups of tea or cocoa, a fuzzy throw, a great book and a comfy spot. Throw in a soft dog ear to stroke and life doesn't get much better.  Well, ok, a glass of wine and a warm brownie...but really, that is perfection.  Unless Gerard Butler is curled up with his tea and book and is rubbing my feet...which is odd because I don't like my feet touched....that would be perfection.  Yeah, yeah, he's all "married", I know, but we are taking about fantasy here, right?  Because as we all know, rainy or snowy days are just like the rest of them.  Kids, dogs, work, it's all still there, staring us down.  But I do try to sneak in an hour (without Gerard of course) grab a cup of tea, my Kindle, the cozy throw and just enjoy.  

A more achievable way to make the most of those rainy/snowy days is to start a pot of soup, bake some yummy bread, and regardless of what chores you were planning, put them off another day and tackle all the laundry.  Folding clothes warm from the dryer while watching a favorite movie, with the yummy aromas of bread and soup in the air is a close second to the tea/book/Gerard combo and you don't have the "I didn't get anything done today" guilt either.

My favorite soups to make  are either an Italiany hearty one, with chicken, Italian sausage, tortellini, and spinach in a tomatoey chicken broth or a  navy bean with ham hocks, carrots and diced potatoes.  With a loaf of Farm House White from my favorite bread cookbook, they make the perfect dreary day dinner.  If I am lucky I can convince Middle Child Syndrome to bake a batch of One Bowl Brownies for dessert, yummy!!!

Enjoy your day like it's your last and treat everyone you meet like you will have to be locked in a tiny closet with them for a week. ;-)

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